# Contributing to GLightbox.js Please read these guidelines before contributing code. ## :nut_and_bolt: Setting up the development environment - Fork and clone the repository - `npm install` - `npm run start` - To update js and css files, use the src folder: src/js/glightbox.js and src/postcss/glightbox.css this files will be compiled automatically with every change to the dist folder (do not modify the dist files directly) ## :bug: Fixing a Bug When fixing a bug please make sure to test it in several browsers including ie11. If you are not able to do so, mention that in a PR comment, so other contributors can do it. ## :tada: Proposing a Change When implementing a feature please create an issue first explaining your idea and asking whether there's need for such a feature. Remember the script's core philosophy is to stay simple and minimal, doing one thing and doing it right. ## :pencil: Before you open a Pull Request - Follow Git best practices (especially use meaningful commit messages). - Describe thoroughly you work in a PR comment. - Be patient and understanding. It's a side project, done in free time. Thank you to everyone who has contributed to GLightbox.js!